Jeg havde en virkelig god og lærerig dag med mange indtryk og positive udfordringer af egne grænser. Jeg endte med at gå fra festivalen med en følelse af, at være blevet klogere på mig selv – og mere modig.
NÆR festival 2023
Circling is a fast growing practices that guide you into a deeper experience of presence and connection. You’ll likely gain deep personal insights, feel yourself to a deeper level and see habitual ways of being you didn’t realise you were doing.
Through Circling we develop our sensitivity and empathy, build capacities to better understand our impulses and intuitions and learn to communicate our boundaries and longings more clearly.
In Circling we bring meditative acceptance and awareness to what’s happening in the moment by allowing our presence, aliveness, and truth to come into connection with another person or a group. When we slow down, focus, and reveal what’s going on between us here and now, we create space for deeper meetings with the people around us and deeper intimacy with ourselves.
The practices typically open up new realms of connection – feeling deeply seen, getting a visceral sense of connection and intimacy with others and an idea of how you got there – an authentic contact that feels nourishing. Perhaps you’ll get a taste of what matters most to you and have some experiences of synchronicity, collective intelligence or even psychedelic like experience
Circling and Surrendered Leadership are practices of being with what happens in the present moment and thus no two events look the same. You will be invited to slow down and notice what it is like to be you from moment to moment and you will be invited to speak you experience to others as you engage with the three core formats.
Exercises in pairs or triads where we focus on the fundamental aspects of Circling such as noticing your experience, deeply listening and owning experience.
In a birthday circle one person has the focus of the group for typically between 20 and 30 minutes. It is a practice of really being with someone in their world.
Surrendered leadership is an advanced practice of allowing the emergence in the collective space and deeply trusting the wisdom of the collective intelligence.
Circling Europe are in many ways standing head and shoulders above the rest of the circling community. If you want advanced training, they are unearthing some of the most dynamic and impactful trainings I’ve seen.
Rob McNamara
Teaching Fellow Harvard Graduate School of Education, President Performance Integral, Author of the ‘The Elegant Self’.
Peter encountered Circling in 2015, became a certified facilitator in 2016, and has since been instrumental in building a community around Circling and Authentic Relating in Denmark. Peter regularly hosts Circling weekends throughout Europe and is a senior leader for Circling Europe.
Jeg havde en virkelig god og lærerig dag med mange indtryk og positive udfordringer af egne grænser. Jeg endte med at gå fra festivalen med en følelse af, at være blevet klogere på mig selv – og mere modig.
NÆR festival 2023
Dét nærvær Peter bringer, når han leder Circling, bringer han også I sin kropsterapi. Jeg opsøgte ham på grund af ondt I ryggen. Han hjalp mig med at navigere I min depression og med at få udtryk for undertrykte følelser, så jeg kunne være i min egen krop.
Jeg introducerede samtalekortene til en middag med gamle venner. Jeg var overrasket over hvor gode de var til at få snakket om ting, som vi ellers ikke får berørt når vi mødes. Super fint!
I came to Copenhagen for the weekend Circling immersion. What a deep trip and process it was! Grateful for every experience. I feel Peter created a safe place for me to open up and connect with myself and others in the group.
Circling Weekend
Peter har medvirket til at styrke organisationens mod til at turde bevæge sig væk fra skrivebordet og ud i virkeligheden for at lytte, se og mærke, hvad der er på spil.
Jeg var vild med hvad workshoppen gjorde ved min grounding. Der var perfekt sammenhæng mellem indholdet og Peters undervisningsform – roligt, tydeligt og tilpas udfordrende.
Tai Chi og Qigong
Kontakt NÆR v. Peter Munthe-Kaas hvis du har spørgsmål til arrangementer eller ønsker at samarbejde om et projekt.
+45 51501738
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